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.Tuesday, November 25, 2008 ' 7:43 PM Y


helloes all!!
its 3 months since i last post....happy?
eh...i post then u all tag..ok?
cos i post hor...no ppl tag then i dun post de..
left with 1 month of holidays
kinda sad oso
but i had fun during the holidays!!!
there is some1 who really care abt me
on 241108,me n lish went to buy a couple ring=P
ok lish is from north vista secondary(duhh...nan dao primary meh)
eh..i gt nth much to post anyway
private life...haha
i just lost my basket ball=(
so...u noe wad to do!!buy for me 1 more=P
okok...thats all for today
bye bye!!=)


roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

.Wednesday, August 13, 2008 ' 5:32 AM Y

1 ticket $10=)

harllows all!
these days abit sian so nvr on9
so use ur common sense lah,no on9 means no post lor!
and horh u also nvr tag.
im very happy on that day!=))beijing olympics...the opening
i watch until wan sleep le
so l0ong larh!
but the fireworks was nice
super nice in fact


darren got tickets to the ndp so he ask me wheather i wana go annot
but sad lor
the floating plateform full le and so small
so no tickets to go thr
we went to the PADANG
peiken,jun jie and me and not forgeting our horny darren,went to the ndp
me meet darren at cp
then peiken late lorh
cus he go attend some1's bdae pt
guess wad?he walk into compasspoint...
then we shout
then guess wad he did?he sat down on the floor in THE MIDDLE OF THE PATHWAY
and wear his shoes
i say to darren
''wo bu ren de ta,ta shi shui?'
then we go to kallang station meet kong jun jie
we took the mrt to city hall
wha kns
so packed lor over thr
we got to the padang
guess how long it took us to reach thr?30 mins
cus all the roads kena block le mah
we left the ndp at 6.30pm
cus rain mah then nth to see anyway
we have to give back our goodie bags lor
they say that others can come in to form the flag
i was like,HUH?
why huh?cus we had already blown the float thing
got our saliva
and others is going to use it?
now thats some whacked up shit=.=
we walked out of the thingy
anyway b4 we surrender the things,pei ken wana climb out
me,jun jie n darren walk away
then he shout,wei climb out lah!
then after 5 seconds,''hello boy!wad are u trying to do?''
who said that?its a police officer
we were laughing like mad lor
then walk to city hall station,another 30 mins
this time round,we dunnoe how to walk=.=
we intend to go to the lan shop
.......read between the lines plz
1 hour is $2
we reach there le,play 1 hour then very late le we go home
i went to rivervale plaza for tuition
and also to pass miao qi her present
i check the present,no price tag
then i put it in the plastic bag and then put it in my bag then go for tuition
after tuition,i pass the present to miao
i went to john's house after that
then xuan call me
she told me that there is a receipt there..IN THE PLASTIC BAG!
i dint check the plastic bag!omg!
but nvm..its quite a expensive present
i bought a wallet from MYUK
then 5 pm le i go back home then go out cycle with family at pasir ris park
btw the park horh the sea very dirty
sad lorh..ppl shit underwater issit?HAHA!!!
super tired la then go home sleep....
i actually forgot that school starts at 8.40!cus my cca is changed to saturday mah
wha laus..i go to school
then i see
why so little ppl
PIANG!I RMB!its tuesday!
i was like so emo lor
i wana sleep de
im so tired la
then played badminton with friends
i own them all man~DESPITE not playing for months
nah nah nah dun say i hao lian larh..im just pro...u noe?=)
which is today
after school went home eat,shower then left the house at 4.15pm to nchs the bb court(blk 303)
audrey walked towards me and ask...
"eh eh,wad happened last friday?"(her eyebrows shaking)
i super shy la.then ltr nixon n pei xuan come n ask oso
i say ''beijing olympics opening!''
actually is my admirer accepted me
then played bb
rui qi said that she saw me?i was like got meH?
she say she saw me when she was looking out through her classroom's window
then play play play

roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

.Thursday, August 7, 2008 ' 3:51 AM Y

steady man~~

NI HAO!let me press the rewind button for the day,7/8/2005=)

yesterday i super tired so nvr post.ps arh...
anyway,i left my phone in class ytd.today then go back then still there=)
i can sms in class easily.why?cus i pro mah
i make my 'house' under my desk with newspaper.
then block the whole view from the side.then when teacehr come i just put it deep inside...LOLS
its nice u noe.sms with no stress
''fast forward''
wake up super tired.then go to school.nth much anyway.during PE lesson,i play basketball(BB)
by myself.cus others wana play soccer
nice larh.i solo the whole court
then after school go home .halfway through the mrt ride,roy called me ask if can come my house
ROY:wei can come ur house annot?
ME:for wad?
Roy:i told my mum i go play bb then nvr bring keys
ME:wad talking u?
ROY:my friend say wan go play bb de but then he say he dun wana go liao cus going to rain
ME:sui bian sui bian

so...we meet at the void deck of my house
then we call john see if he wana go cycling ltr
mornign i ask le.but he dunwan
then now i ask agn he wana go
we go explore a new road.which in the end leads to whr?PUNGGOL!!AND ITS THE PLACE WHR WE GO EvERYTIME!!!
shortcut sia....GRRR!!
then roy say he dun wana go.when we are already halfway le
then we pang seh him lor since he dun wana go
then cycle back to seng kang for fun
went to nchs behind de bb court
then rain sia
so heavy lor
we are drenched ok?
then we go to ncps the opposite de basement carpark and cycle
super nice lor.no cars thr.the view very ncie oso
after that,we chiong back home.now at home lor.
TAG HOR!=)byebye

roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

.Tuesday, August 5, 2008 ' 3:44 AM Y


today 7 am wake up...
bruth teeth then eat breakfast
then go back to sleep=.=
8am then wake up then go school.
my cca shifted to saturday so i dun have to go on tuesday.so school starts at 8.45=)
went to school... dint hear the bell as i was listening to my music.
then i chiong out with my chairman=.=
then majulah singapurah ahahahahah
as usuall
then very sian lor
but last period,history
that old man dun care de lor.we play PSP infront of him he oso dun care
the whole class was in havoc.now thats some whacked up shit=P
after school went to the canteen and bought some bee hoon.ate finish within 2 mins!
cus cher give us 10 minutes break then supplementary start.
then so tired lah...3.30 end then go home bathe then go to roy chua's house help hi with his mp3 thingy
then now just came back home blogging!see u soon!

"the pieces of my heart are misssing you...."

roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

.Monday, August 4, 2008 ' 5:02 AM Y

im back from a coma!

ni hao ni hao thank you~~thank you!!muacks muacks!!
sie sie sie sie bu sie bu sie i noe u noe i love u u love me=)
im back frm a ''coma''!!
its 3 months since i dint update my blog.
u noe larh..abit sian ...
but i wan u to all add me in friendster at>audricping1995@hotmail.com
msn is oso the same..haha
year i changed many things.i changed my phone to W910i.
its a good looking phone.but allot of dai ji 1
i send for service for FOUR(4) TIMES~!!WHOAH!!!

yah lah quite sad dunneo why like that.all my friends using the same model oso complain...
oh yah,27 july i went for a tournament and won a bronze!i very happy to get a medal.its difficult to get a bronze ok?especially when the the judges are so bias=(
blockhead lor they all.nvm.their eyes pah stamp.
cant blame them right?

but anyway,
miao qi's birthday is on national day!5 days more to go...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!=)yah yah very early right...cus i wana check hor...somebody horh..dunnoe who horh...still horh...owe me something leh...who is it arh...oO?

u noe who u are=Panyway plz visit my blog im active in blogging now.anyway i on9 almost everyday just that im lazy to blog.see you soon!nid relinks?tell me in msn or sms me or call me or u can also broadcast on the tv,radio or anything that u can think of even putting the letter n the pigeon's leg and let it fly to me =P

''Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hand to pick me up ,And every night I miss you I can just look up and noe that stars are holding you tonight''

roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

.Thursday, April 17, 2008 ' 2:07 AM Y


hi all
its abt 1 month since i post on my blog
on 31/march,i had my 2.4 km run
before the run,mr foo scold every1(3 classes=80 ppl)who is running on that day
cus 1 of the class make allot of noice n very noisy lor
end up all do push ups n sit ups on the parade area.
did like 20 push up n 10 sit ups,mr foo is very angry cus allot of ppl not doing properly
then shout n shout n shout at us to go to the field n do
so er xin lor
the field is very sunny+midnight rain
then very muddy
n we actually lie down on the floor n do sit ups
n push ups
so..most of our energy are wasted for the run=.=
n we have to run here n there frm the parade area to the field n field to parade area n field=.=
finish everything,teacher shuang le
we start runnning
i press 'start'on my stopwatch
run run run
soon i see allot of ppl walking n complaining
(dun say i hao lian)
i ran n ran
abt the 2nd round,i became 1st among 8O ppl
i then continue to run
at the 4th round,a time keeper(student frm other sec1 class)ask me if im running the last round
n i say yah
actually,he's not a timekeeper,why?every1 have no stopwatch to time
they are just keeping track of the number of rounds we had run
soon..i ran past the finish line being 1st=)
but,all the timekeeper were not at the finishing line,they are abt 10 metre infront of it
i ran past them n do a U- turn
i stop my stopwatch n see...11.10minutes
i walk to them n ask them wads my timeing
at that time i dint noe they were not timeing
but thats not all,1 ''timekeeper'' say
''u run 5 rounds le meh?''
then i shout''arh borh?''
they like cannot believe it lor
luckily the guy who ask me if im running for my last round,is there
so i tell him
but guess wad?
the guy who say i nvr run 5 rounds say that
the finishing line is up ahead at the lamp post
CRAZY RIGHT?its like another 5 meters away
n they had wasted 50 seconds
bye the time,1 guy ran pass me
only 1
n his timeing was 11.58minutes
u see how unfair it is?
mr foo say to go n look for him for the timeing
but he is just estimating
cus he was running too
so unfair lah
1st april
i gt a cookery test home econs de
n hor
my whole team brought NOTHING!!
but we actually pass the test
wana noe how we did it?

we actually panic at the 1st time knowing that we had brought nothing
but we think n think n think of smt
n we actually bought fruits (apple,pineapple n watermelon)
frm that,we can make fruit alad n fruit juice.pro right?
when we were in the kitchen,we asked ppl for things
its home econs test
n we dun have to cook allot of food
luckily,1 of my fwen have ''left over'' food
he gave us speghatti noodles n some sauce
haha frm there we were so happy lor
then ltr i tell my fwen
speghatti with no meat but noodles n sauce only?
then i go n ask my fwen agn to spare soem meat
n they spare!
i started chopping the meat into small cubes n i fry
u noe?chicken meat but nvr season is no flavour right?
then i thought of soy sauce
guess wad?
my fwen gt dark soy sauce!
so i continue to fry
then ltr we taste the food
very nice=)so this is how i pass my home econs test=)
ok nxt time then post=)bye

roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

.Wednesday, March 19, 2008 ' 6:03 AM Y


hi alll
i very long nvr post ler
nobody lai anyway=.=
since 1 person gt lai,wo jiu post bah
on 16/3 i went for my tournament at jurong east sports hall
kata match start first
i gt join mah
but lost...the opponent pro=)
ltr sparring ,1st round won
2nd round/finals/lost
sian larh
de mistake made me injured my leg
now still pain=.=
next time must alert n trash that guy!!!
btw,next tournament is on 27/4
international tournament...confirm more pros de=(
ok larh
u all tag then i post ok?

roses are red,violets are blue...loving u is wad i always want.....
no matter wad happen,i will be by ur side

N Whisper-ed '

gossip oO?♥

N Site Master '

This is me ♥

Audric Ping
12 1/2
ncps/vistarian/currently a gabrilite

N Cravings '

My Wish List ♥

small tv in my room
billabong wallet
new bag
be in ncps forever !!
have gd result
stay in contact with all my friends

N Fly Aways '

N Entertainment '
Listen up ♥

N history '